Outdoor Christian Education
The purpose of an Outdoor Christian Education Centre is to provide an educational experience that enables students to fully appreciate God’s Creation in its natural setting. From snowshoeing in the winter time, to rock-climbing in the spring time, it’s all an intricate part of human development both physically and spiritually. This unique opportunity builds team work, excellence, growth and wisdom that carries on with the students throughout their lives.
Our programs strive to make intentional connections to:
God (Faith)
Creation (Environmental Stewardship)
People (Leadership/Team Development)
Curriculum (Solid Learning Outcomes)
O.C.E. emphasizes God’s creation and the need for discovery and understanding of His world around us. We teach a Biblical creationist view of our world, learning how to become creation stewards, with clear ecological knowledge of interrelationships between living creatures and their environments, as well as an understanding of the effects we have on the ecosystem. The result is increased awareness, skills needed to live responsibly, renewed hearts and minds, and a more informed outlook on God’s multi-faceted creation.
Romans 1:20 says, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature have been seen from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”
Student’s come to recognize creation’s author – God, and realize that the creator lives, is active daily, and that Christ acted on our behalf with His sacrificial death, leading to Salvation for all who believe. We can know comfort, purpose and peace, regardless of the ‘storms’ that life brings our way and we can have the hope of eternity with God.
Fair Havens O.C.E. programs (Outdoor Creation Experiences) are designed to partner in ministry with various Christian schools and Homeschool Groups to provide access to our 130 acre Outdoor Classroom. We provide students with ‘hands-on’ experiential learning to achieve curriculum goals and offer opportunities for practical life and character growth.
To book your school trip contact the Fair Havens Office at 1-800-430-5059 or oce@fairhavens.org. You can also use the Online Inquiry Form (below) to submit a booking inquiry request.